The Birth of the KOS

The name and origin of Knights of Sidonia Private Military Corporation (KOS PMC) would not be known until 2942, but first originated on a mere backup plan by the United Empire of Earth (UEE) government, which included hundreds of other private militia initiatives.
This backup plan was a contingency effort formed by the UEE Navy (UEEN) [CLASSIFIED] Staff of Fleets codenamed - Project Golfland, which would culture for at least four years prior to any deployment.
The main goal of Project Golfland was to provide UEE citizens with the necessary tools and supplies to raise private militias should UEE military efforts prove to be inadequate during the bloody war against the Vanduul and counter-insurgency operations.
In 2940, several senior naval officers would be assigned to the secret Project Golfland, where hundreds of other Naval Staff would be given command of flagships ranging from RSI Polaris Corvettes to Aegis Javelin Destroyers - ultimately using these large command vessels to provide protection and to help guide civilian militias to full strength and to a fighting capacity.
Well into the year 2942, about eight months after (now Vice-Admiral) Crimson Hawk Moth took command of the UEES Sidonia (a Javelin Class Destroyer), the strength and determination of the Sidonia's crew would be put to the test.
While on patrol at the borders of the Ellis System (home system of the UEES Sidonia), a scouting Vanduul naval brigade would catch the Sidonia unaware of their impending attack over 100kms away from the destroyer.
Completely caught off guard and unexpectant of any Vanduul incursions, the Sidonia would be alerted to the presence of the Vanduul after an enemy torpedo struck her communications array, crippling her capability to initiate a distress call.
Alone and outnumbered, the destroyer would be unable to defend against this attack. The UEES Sidonia immediately set course for the closest moons near Kampos (Ellis IV) in order to reach allied forces. However, as no moons belong to Kampos, the Sidonia would make its way to Ellis 5A, a moon belonging to the planet Noble (Ellis V)
Throughout this retreat, the Vanduul forces would make repeated attacks on the destroyer. But with each wave, the Sidonia's guns would repel and cripple many of the attacking bombers and fighters. Though small victories like this would be won during the retreat, the chasing Vanduul fleet's capital vessels grew closer with each wave, their main guns training firmly on the destroyer, closing in on effective range.
Upon arriving at the closest moon, the UEES Sidonia would drop into low orbit, at times flying 200 meters above the surface as it brought the chasing Vanduul fleet with it. Due to the low gravity of the moon, the Sidonia was able to successfully maneuver around the terrain of the surface, forcing the Vanduul fleet to attack from above which allowed the Sidonia to allocate more power to the port, starboard, and dorsal guns.
The Sidonia was able to detect a small militia outpost of which was completely unaware of the approaching destroyer and Vanduul Fleet.
Fortunately, an Observation Post (OP) had been set up 25kms away from the outpost, which detected the Sidonia's approach.
The OP was able to immediately launch a distress beacon through the outpost's launch systems but would be unable to receive any communications due to the remote nature of the installation.
Unfortunately for the Sidonia, a torpedo from a Void Bomber would strike two of the destroyer's engines.
However, with the quick thinking of her crew, power to all ventral guns and lower shields would be disabled and reallocated to the remaining engines and thrusters. Even with this correction, the destroyer would not be able to maintain her current path and so it was decided to bring the ship down in front of the militia outpost.
With all her guns still firing, the Sidonia gracefully crash-landed a few kilometers away from the outpost, providing a dome of fire around the installation. Regrettably, this did cause irreparable damage to the forward torpedo launchers of the destroyer, rendering her most offensive weapon unserviceable.
What happened next would coin the name "Knights of Sidonia" as the crew of both the Sidonia and the outpost bravely and valiantly acted to deter the advance of the enemy.
For the next 16 hours, personnel from the outpost would begin making repeated convoys, hauling ammunition and power cells to sustain the Sidonia's guns.
Tragically, each convoy would lose a handful of trucks but this failed to diminish the resolve of the militia.
Upon the arrival of the UEEN Fleet, the Vanduul disengaged their attack and retreated back to Vanduul space.
The heroic actions of the militia's members and crew of the Sidonia earned them their nickname as the Knights who protected their keep against the advance of a brutal and savage enemy.
Though there were many attempts to repair and regain the UEES Sidonia, it was ultimately decided that the ship would be decommissioned on site.
She was stripped of her parts and left barren, her war-torn hull only remaining and serving as a reminder of the Vanduul and their merciless reach to any system of the UEE.
Despite losing their flagship, the unofficial Knights of Sidonia militia would be replenished by a successive Javelin Destroyer in 2943, allowing the militia to commission their flagship and continue serving as a rightful and deadly asset to the UEE government.
The year 2944 marked the end of Project Golfland and saw the commissioning and deployment of several hundred Militias and Private Military Corporations.
Out of that several hundred, the Knights of Sidonia PMC would be commissioned and with it, saw its' flagship re-christened the KOSS Sidonia.
Though the KOS is now an entirely civilian-managed organization, many of its' members derive from previous engagements such as the event in 2942, bringing much valued veteran experience and knowledge to bear.
The KOS still continues to reside in the Ellis System to this day, with future plans to construct the KOS HQ in the Ellis System.