Commissioned on the 11th day of July in the year 2944 - | UEE Paramilitary | Security | Exploration | Bounty Hunting |

Friday Org Night at 7:30PM CST (NA) | Saturday Chill Org Night at 8PM CST (NA) | Sunday Funday Org Night at 7PM CST (NA)

Top of the line CNOU 'base builders' have joined the capital star fleet of the KOS

Commissioned on the 11th day of July in the year 2944 - | UEE Paramilitary | Security | Exploration | Bounty Hunting |

KOS Commander:
Admiral Crimson Hawk Moth
Craft ID: CFDG702
Date appointed: 11/07/2944
KOS Deputy Commander:
Vice Admiral grimmacef13
Craft ID: 3FDF001
Date appointed: 17/10/2951
1 KOS Fleet Division Commander:
Craft ID:
Date appointed:
2 KOS Fleet Division Commander:
Craft ID:
Date appointed:
3 KOS Marine Fleet Division Commander:
Vice Admiral grimmacef13
Craft ID: 3FDF001
Date appointed: 26/08/2944
KOS Recruit Ops:
Craft ID:
Date appointed:
KOS Public Relations:
Craft ID:
Date appointed:

KOS History - Recorded History updated 13-10-2953.
New squadron patches added for the squadrons of 1 Auldran Wing 16-04-2953.
Colonel Rexxy501 appointed CO of Bravo Wing 11-02-2953.
KOS enters into The Citizens Alliance (TCA) 01-11-2952
KOS departs the Old Guard Alliance (OGA) 31-10-2952
KOS Events Calendar added 03-01-2952.
KOS History - Birth of the KOS added 13-12-2951.
Article G/1-1 Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy added to the KOS Charter 18-08-2951.
Wings, Squadrons, and Regiments page updated 16-06-2951.
Colonel Ghalahad appointed CO of Delta Wing 12-06-2951.
Several KOS Charter Articles updated 05-05-2951.
Colonel Camo appointed CO of Delta Wing 13/12/2950.
Colonel Sarnyarn appointed CO of Black Watch Battalion 18/11/2950.
Colonel Ghalahad appointed CO of Bravo Wing 14/11/2950.
Colonel FlyingWolf appointed CO of Delta Wing 29/10/2950.
Training Excercise: Operation Capture the Penguin Battle Procedure published 06/10/2950.
Training Excercise: Operation Credible Sport Battle Procedure published 30/09/2950.
Colonel Ghalahad appointed CO of Black Watch Battalion 28/09/2950.
Aegis Javelin Class Destroyer KOSS Flagship "Sidonia" commissioned 26/05/2950.
Aegis Idris-M Class Frigate KOSS "Valkyrie's Revenge" commissioned 20/10/2945.
Aegis Idris-K Class Frigate KOSS "Damascus" commissioned 20/10/2945.
MISC Endevour Class Vessels commissioned 20/10/2945.
Hull A-E Class Ships commissioned. 25/04/2945.
New Screenshots/Videos added 03/04/2945.
KOS Ranks and Possible Positions updated 14/03/2945.
KOS Operating Orders and Protocols page created 21/02/2945.
Orion Class mining platforms commissioned. 21/02/2945.
KOS Manifesto and Charter updated 13/10/2944.
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